Introducing the Wevise Chicago Pilot Program


We are excited to announce a new initiative: a 6-month career development pilot program operating in Chicago, Illinois.

At Wevise, we want to make tech careers more attainable through free, on-demand mentorship. Our platform benefits those entering the technology industry through university, learning independently, or changing careers, and is open and free to all. However, we are focused on supporting the underserved and disadvantaged, for whom mentorship is disproportionately unavailable. This free pilot program in Chicago will help us meet these important goals with our nonprofit and corporate partners.

That’s right! This free mentorship and career-building program is coming to the Second City, the crown jewel of the Midwest, the home of deep dish pizza and more delights around every corner than you could experience in a lifetime. And, critically, Chicago is a city known for its innovation and tech opportunities.

While most people agree that mentorship is extremely important, particularly for those who are underrepresented, running a mentoring program takes a lot more effort and skill than is often realized. Many nonprofits (and for-profits) struggle with creating a successful program, particularly on a limited budget. By pooling mentees, mentors, and expertise into one all-star program, we can provide mentorship and career development to more people more effectively while taking the strain off organizations who are already doing so much.

Wevise is looking to partner with five technology-focused nonprofits in Chicago, aiming to work with 150 adults from diverse backgrounds over six months. We plan to help them finalize their career goals, explore various industries and career paths, and make concrete progress toward the fulfilling career of their dreams. This is the first time we’re running this program, and we plan to create a replicable model that can be scaled to many other cities as well!

What will this multifaceted program offer?

  • In-person kickoff event with mentors and mentees, along with corporate and nonprofit partners
  • Mentor and mentee training
  • 6 months of mentoring with a dedicated mentor program manager providing support, using the Wevise mentoring platform
  • 6 career-focused workshops/events organized by nonprofit and corporate partners
  • Networking, support, and engagement throughout the mentoring program community
  • Training for our nonprofit partners on running an effective mentoring program

For Nonprofits

We’re excited to partner with five impactful Chicago nonprofits who want to provide another layer of support to their participants (for free!). Partners will play a critical role in helping to design the program based on the needs of their community. With the Wevise platform, we’ll connect mentors and mentees with similar lived experiences, from BIPOC and first-generation students to LGBTQIA+ individuals and veterans. Wevise ensures participants are paired based on shared values, life experiences, and goals to create deeper connections and more impactful guidance.

Nonprofits will run, or support the running of, one career workshop, and will provide outreach support to companies and mentors. Additionally, you will be asked to participate in case studies, user interviews, and more to provide comprehensive feedback and evaluation.

Let’s roll up our sleeves, bring our ideas, and build something sustainable and meaningful to mentors and mentees! 

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For Companies

Your sponsorship helps us connect talented individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds with experienced mentors, empowering them to succeed in the tech field. In return, your company gains access to diverse emerging talent, enhanced employee engagement through mentorship, and fulfilled corporate social responsibility goals. Career-skills workshops lead to a more skilled workforce that fits your hiring requirements.

Companies participating in this pilot program are critical to its success. From encouraging employees to become mentors to funding to hosting workshops, there are many avenues to help shape the next generation of tech talent. If you’re a company in Chicago, we’d love to have you involved as a partner.

Mentors: We are asking companies to reach out to employees and encourage them to apply as mentors, with a focus on gathering a diverse group of ideas and backgrounds. 

Funding: As a pilot program, we’ll be raising funds to complete our platform, build out a comprehensive and repeatable program, and pay an experienced mentoring program manager.

Career-skills workshop: Help us to set up the next generation of talent with the skills that you’re looking for as a company. 

If you’re ready to invest in the next generation of tech talent and make a lasting impact, let’s work together and create something special.

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This is an exciting time for Wevise, our partners, and all mentors and mentees involved with the mission. Chicago’s central location, diversity, history and hard-working attitude make it the perfect spot to begin this new initiative!

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